Show Off Your Garden With Crystals

Jungle Gems and Crystalites demonstrate the magic of the kiln more effectively than any other glaze. Often referred to as "Art in a Jar”, these beautiful glazes transform in the kiln when small pieces of glass burst into color and create intricate patterns during the firing process. Use alone to add texture, depth and stunning effects, or in glaze combination blending with Stroke & Coats, Foundations, Cobblestones or simply as an accent to your design. Our Crystal Glazes are easy to use while providing outstanding results. Designed to mature at cone 06/05, the Jungle Gems and Crystalites glazes enable artists to achieve complex glazed surfaces with guaranteed results and minimal effort; one to two coats and you’re done! Crystal Glazes can be fired to higher temperatures so remember to review individual color labels for cone 6 firing results. Be bold and add a dash of color here and there to take your outdoor space from dull dazzling. Casting our garden shape molds give you the opportunity to experiment and add a few lively accents to your lawn, patio or deck. 

Tips, FAQ & Application Info for Using Crystals

We pulled together a variety of projects for you to try with several application approaches. Click the photos to see the project instructions. 

large crystal toad 

crystal pocket planter

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