Roberta Goto

roberta headshotWe love to see how artists use Mayco in their work!  When Roberta Goto sent us a photo of a glass project she completed we contacted her to chat a bit about her work.

Mayco: What is it that attracted you to work with glass?

Roberta: I have always been attracted to glass because of the amazing colors and textures the medium displays. The allure of collecting beach glass led to delving into stained glass pieces many years ago.

Mayco: How long have you been working with warm glass?

Roberta: I started doing fused glass about ten years ago. I recently retired after 40 years as a psychiatric nurse and now spend my time creating glass pieces, mobiles, dishes, wind chimes, framed pictures, etc.

Mayco: What is your primary motivation for working with glass?

Roberta: I do glasswork because I love the medium! I occasionally attend craft fairs and sell a few peices, but mostly give my work as gifts.  I just enjoy working with glass.  Opening the kiln is always full of surprises as colors and textures melt into each other to create new art.

Mayco: What influences your designs and what is your style of art?

Roberta: Ideas for designs come from different sources, colors and patterns of things I see in nature, things that come up in discussions with friends may trigger creative ideas.  I have recently been influenced by Asian/Japanese art; Hokusai prints, Asian carp, etc.

Mayco: Do you also work with clay?

Roberta: In addition to my glass kilns, I have a small ceramic kiln that I plan to use in the near future.  I am still experimenting with different glazes, i.e. “Designer Liner,” and hope to be able to incorporate them in my projects.

Mayco: What type of glass do you use? 90 or 96?

Roberta: I use both 90 and 96 glass plus float glass and whatever comes across the work area.

Mayco: Tell me about the piece you sent to us.

Roberta: The Snow Leopard piece was my first attempt at using Designer Liner. I was very pleased with the fine lines I was able to create - they have opened the door to new ideas.  I look forward to working more with the Designer Liner products. 


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