Crystal Alligators (E)


Products Used

  • CD-848 Large Walligator
  • CD-849 Medium Walligator
  • CG-972 Alligator
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-16 Cotton Tail
  • SC-26 Green Thumb
  • SC-37 Ivory Tower

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 Soft Fan
  • CB-110 Liner
  • CB-202 Detail Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories


Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
  2. Brush on three coats of CG-972 Alligator to the body of the alligator, leave the underbelly unpainted.
  3. Brush the underbelly with 2-3 coats of SC-37 Ivory Tower, pull in the Alligator color while the two colors are wet, where they meet. This will give it a pale green appearance.
  4. Brush the teeth with two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail, toe nails with SC-15 Tuxedo, outline teeth and mouth with SC-15 Tuxedo, use CB-110 Liner.
  5. Scrape off glaze from the eyes, pupil is SC-26 Green Thumb, two coats, with a slit pupil in SC-15 Tuxedo, outline.
  6. Fire to cone 06.