Flower Garden House Vase


Products Used

  • MB 1422 Bisque House 8”
  • FN-214 Pastel Jade, FN-230 Poppy, SC-15 Tuxedo, SC-16 Cotton Tail, SC-74 Hot Tamale, SC-3 Wine About It, SC-27 Sour Apple, SC-9 Jaded, SC-26 Green Thumb, SC-10 Teal Next Time, SC-23 Jack O Lantern, SC-75 Orange-A-Peel

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-408 Size 8 Round brush, CB-604 #4 Soft Fan Brush, CB-404 Size 4 Pointed Round Brush, CB-106 #6 Script Liner, AC-213 Sponge on a Stick 1 ¼ Inch round, AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, AC-222 Medium Writer Tip Kit, Small piece of bubble wrap (about 3”x3”), Small piece of punchinella (sequin waste, about 3”x3”), BT-910 Synthetic Sponge

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Ball point pen, Download: Pattern


Designer: Laura Fraedrich


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Place some S-2101 Crystal Clear into a small cup and add a little bit off water to slightly dilute it (about 3 parts glaze and 1 part water). It  should be the consistency of a coffee cream. Pour this into the inside of the snail and roll around to completely coat the interior of the snail. Drain out the excess glaze and keep the snail inverted until it has lost its shine. Wipe off any glaze from the outside using a damp sponge. Allow to dry.
  3. Using the CB-604  #4 Soft Fan Brush, apply 3 coats of FN-214 Pastel Jade to the sides, the front ,and back of the roof on the House Vase.
  4. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of FN-230 Poppy to the front and back of the house.
  5. Load the AC-213 Sponge on a Stick 1 ¼ Inch round with SC-9 Jaded. Sponge the glaze onto the piece of bubble wrap. Randomly press the bubble wrap onto the roof of the house. Repeat as necessary.
  6. Load the AC-213 Sponge on a Stick 1 ¼ Inch round with SC-27 Sour Apple. Place the piece of punchinella onto the roof and sponge on top of it in various places on the roof.
  7. Using the pattern and clay carbon paper, randomly transfer several of each flower, vines, stems and leaves onto the house.
  8. Using the CB-408 Size 8 Round Brush, paint two coats of each Stroke & Coat colors onto the flowers as followed: Red flowers – SC-74 Hot Tamale, Purple flowers – SC-3 Wine About It, Orange flowers – SC-23 Jack O’ Lantern, Stems and leaves – double load brush with one side SC-27 Sour Apple and other side SC-52 Toadily Green.
  9. Using the CB-106  #6 Script Liner, paint one coat of SC-10 Teal Next Time on the vines.
  10. Using the CB-404  Size 4 Pointed Round Brush, paint one coat of SC-75 Orange-A-Peel to the inside of the petals of the orange flowers.
  11. Using the AC-222 Medium Writer Tip Kit filled with SC-16 Cotton Tail, outline each flower, vine, stem and leaf. Repeat using AC-222 Medium Writer Tip Kit filled with SC-15 Tuxedo.
  12. Using the AC-213 Sponge on a Stick 1 ¼ Inch round, sponge on two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail to the windows and doors of the house.
  13. Using AC-222 Medium Writer Tip Kit filled with SC-15 Tuxedo, outline the windows and doors of the house.
  14. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06.