Crystal Owl with Hat


Products Used

  • MB-1475 Barney Owl
  • CG-981 Fruity Freckles
  • CG-983 Koi Pond
  • SC-5 Tiger Tail
  • SC-9 Jaded
  • SC-12 Moody Blue
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
  • SC-34 Down To Earth
  • SC-37 Ivory Tower
  • SC-86 Old Lace

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-602 #2 Soft Fan
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner


NewCrystals DapperOwl
Designer: Marcia Roullard



1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2.  Mix the crystal colors well.  Use the CB-604 #4 Soft Fan to apply one coat of CG-981 Fruity Freckles to the front of the owl.  

3.  Use the same brush to apply one coat of CG-983 Koi Pond to the raised feathers under the eyes, the wings and back of the owl. Brush over the Fruity Freckles on the sides of the owl so the color transitions with blended color.

4.  Apply a second coat of CG-981 over the front of the owl including the feathers with Koi Pond.  Using the same brush, apply a second coat of CG-983 Koi Pond to the wings and back. Apply a third coat of glaze omitting the raised feathers in the front of the owl.

5.  Use the CB-106 #6 Script Liner, apply a thinned coat of SC-15 Tuxedo to the stump. Use a damp sponge to wipe off the excess color to antique the stump, leaving it darker near the owl.

6.  Using the same brush, apply one coat of SC-34 Down to Earth to the stump. Add brushstrokes of SC-25 Crackerjack Brown in the direction of the bark. Apply SC-9 Jaded to some of the edges of the bark. Apply two coats of SC-86 Old Lace to the ends of the stump.

7.  Use the CB-602 #2 Soft Fan to apply two thinned coats of SC-5 Tiger Tail to the hat. Let dry then shade around the brim, hat band and top of hat with SC-25 Crackerjack Brown. Once this is dry, re-shade with a smaller stroke of SC-34 Down To Earth.

8.  Use the #6 Script Liner to apply two coats of SC-9 Jaded to the hat band.  

10.  Scrape the glaze off the beak, eyes and claws. Using the #6 Script Liner, apply two coats of SC-37 Ivory Tower to the eyes. Apply two coats of SC-5 Tiger Tail to the iris and one coat of SC-15 Tuxedo to the pupil. Use the CB-110 #10/0 Liner to outline the iris and around the eye with SC-15 Tuxedo.

11.  Apply two coats of SC-12 Moody Blue to the beak and two coats of SC-86 Old Lace to the claws.

12.  Use the #6 Script Liner and SC-12 Moody Blue to shade around the eyes, around the feathers surrounding the eyes, around each feather on the raised chest feathers, the wings and bottom of the owl. You may also choose to a Dagger Brush for the shading. 

13. Use thes same brush and SC-12 Moody Blue to shade the hat band.

14.  If desired, the hat and stump can be clear glazed for added shine.

15.  Fire to cone 05/06.