Crystal Bird Canvas


Products Used

  • MB-1353  8" x 10" Clay Canvas


  • FN-001 White
  • CG-753 Sassy Orange
  • CG-756 Firecracker
  • CG-954 Wildfire
  • CG-968 Peppermint Twist
  • S-2723 Grape Divine
  • SC-6 Sunkissed
  • SC-23 Jack O’ Lantern
  • SC-26 Green Thumb
  • SC-74 Hot Tamale
  • SC-97 Cant-elope
  • SG-401 Black
  • SG-405 Green
  • SG-407 Yellow
  • SG-408 Orange
  • SG-411 Purple

Decorating Accessories

  • AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper
  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • RB-110 10/0 Detail Liner
  • ST-103 Retro Star Stamp

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge, Water, Sponge on a stick, Palette, Pencil

  • Pattern: Download

canvas CG bird crop
Designer: Elizabeth Carey


  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

  2. Using the Soft Fan with FN-001 White, apply 3 coats to the front and sides of the canvas. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

  3. Squeeze 1 TBS of SC-97 Cant-elope, SC-23 Jack O’ Lantern, and SC-6 Sunkissed onto the palette. Take the ST-103 Retro Star Stamp and place it design-side up. Take the sponge on a stick and gently dab it into the glazes. Use the 3 colors to cover the stamp. Gently press the stamp onto the front of the canvas. Repeat until the front is covered.

  4. Place the AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper over the front of the canvas. Place the pattern over the paper and trace with the pencil.

  5. Using the Script Liner with CG-756 Firecracker, apply 1 puddle coat to the body of the bird and the center of the lower-left flower.

  6. Using the Script Liner with CG-753 Sassy Orange, apply 1 puddle coat to the wing of the bird and the center of the upper right flower.

  7. Using the Script Liner with CG-968 Peppermint Twist, apply 1 puddle coat to the 3 small circle flowers.

  8. Using the Script liner with CG-954 Wildfire, apply 1 puddle coat to the remaining upper flower.

  9. Using the Script Liner with S-2723 Grape Divine, apply 1 puddle coat to the remaining lower flower.

  10. Using the Script Liner with SC-26 Green Thumb, apply 1 coat to the stems and leaves.

  11. Using the Script Liner with SC-6 Sunkissed and SC-74 Hot Tamale, apply 2 coats to the outer parts of the corresponding flowers.

  12. Using the Detail Liner with SC-23 Jack O’ Lantern, apply 2 coats to the beak. Allow glaze to dry between coats.

  13. Using SG-401 Black, SG-405 Green, SG-407 Yellow, SG-408 Orange and SG-411 Purple, outline the corresponding parts of the flowers, leaves and bird.

  14. Fire to cone 06.
