Cobblestone Pinwheel


Products Used

  • MB-1457 Pinwheel
  • SG-202 White Cobblestone
  • SC-29 Bluegrass
  • SC-77 Glo-Worm
  • SC-97 Cant-elope

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner


Designer: Carmen Allen 


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of SC-77 Glo Worm to the inside folds of the pinwheel and 3 coats of SC-29 Bluegrass to the outside folds and the back.
  3. Using the same brush, apply 3 coats of SG-202 White Cobblestone on top of the Bluegrass.
  4. Once the Cobblestone is dry to the touch, but not cracking yet, use the Soft Fan or Script Liner to apply 1 thinned coat of SC-97 Cant-elope.
  5. Let dry completely.
  6. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06/05.