Patio Candle Holder

Tailor the design to fit any room or living space in your home..

Products Used

  • SC-27 Sour Apple
  • SC- Just Froggy
  • SC-14 Java Bean
  • SC-52 Toad-illy
  • SC-73 Candy Apple Red
  • SC-24 Dandelion
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-33 Fruit of the Vine
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing
Decorating Accessories
  • CB-604 - #4 Soft Fan
  • CB-310 #10 Flat Shader
  • BT-910 - Synthetic Sponges
  • CD-1073 Design Press Tools
Additional Materials
  • Butterfly Cutter
  • Leaf Cake Cutter
  • Moist Clay
  • Small Rolling Pin
  • Board for rolling on
  • Clay Cutting Knife
  • Clay Slip
  • Empty Wine Bottle
  • Chunky Candle
  • Download Project Pattern: Type Phrase, then link to the Pattern
Project Info


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Roll out a piece of clay approx 7 inches square. Cut a pattern on the piece that you would want for the top. (refer to picture) Place a hole in the center of top for hanging.
  3. Place onto board and take the CD-1073 Design Press Tools, use two different ones. Press out seven leaves onto the clay and in between these use your leaf cutter and butterfly cutter to cut out a few random leaves and a butterfly. Place these to one side to use later.
  4. Using a empty wine or cordial bottle, roll out another piece of clay and place the bottle onto it cut round the bottom of the bottle to give you a circle approx 4 inches round.
  5. Place the other piece of clay with your leaves on, over the bottle to give it a curve and leave to dry with the base.
  6. When these two pieces are leather hard, attach them together with some clay slip. Also attach the leaves to the base and the butterfly wherever you would like it. (refer to picture)
  7. Bisque Fire to shelf cone 04.
  8. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  9. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan apply 1 coat of SC-27 Sour Apple.
  10. Take a sponge and sponge SC- Just Froggy, SC-14 Java Bean, SC-52 Toad-illy and SC-73 Candy Apple Red lightly over your piece.
  11. Leaves: your pressed leaves, side load with a CB-310 #10 Flat Shader up the centre vein with SC-8 Just Froggy and shade the edges of the leaves with SC-14 Java Bean. Do the same with the add on leaves.
  12. Butterfly: basecoat in SC-24 Dandelion, body in SC-15 Tuxedo, shade edges of the wings with SC-33 Fruit of the Vine. Place some SC-15 Tuxedo dots on wings. Allow to dry.
  13. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 2 coats of S-2101 Brushing Crystal Clear to the piece. Allow to dry.
  14. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06.
  15. Place a lovely chunky candle and either hang on the wall or place on a patio, it will look lovely on a warm summers evening.