Cat in Tree Canvas


Products Used

  • MB-1353 8"x 10" Clay Canvas
  • SC-91 Seabreeze, SC-26 Green Thumb, SC-23 Jack O' Lantern, SC-41 Brown Cow, SC-15 Tuxedo, SC-34 Down To Earth, SC-16 Cotton Tail, SC-65 Peri-Twinkle

Decorating Accessories

  • DSS-0119 Dogs, DSS-0120 Cats, CB-110 Liner, CB-106 Script Liner, DSS-604 Soft Fan, SL-441 Rounded Stencil

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • 2" Foam roller, Food coloring, Palette knife


Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust making sure not to over saturate the bisque.
  2. Lightly pencil in a line to separate the grass from the sky.
  3. Block the grass from the sky with a piece of paper. Place the SL-441 rounded stencil over the sky area, roll SC-91 Seabreeze over the stencil with a 2" foam roller. Roll with light pressure in different directions so keep the color from bleeding under the stencil. Continue to fill in the sky area.
  4. Brush one thinned coat of SC-26 Green Thumb over the grass area with CB-604 Soft Fan in an even brushstroke.
  5. Hold the paper on the sky area near the grass line. In the same manner as in step 3, roll over the grass area with SC-26 Green Thumb and SL-441 Rounded Stencil. 
  6. Trace on the pattern of the tree.
  7. For Color Placement, place some SC-16 Cotton Tail mixed with red food coloring on a palette or tile and sprinkle with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium. Using a palette knife, mix color and medium to the consistency of peanut butter. if the mix is too thin add more AC-310 Silkscreen Medium or if it is too thick add more Stroke & Coat. Too thin of a mixture will bleed under the screen and give you a blurred image.  Too thick of a mixture will make it hard for the product to penetrate through the holes in the screen and give blank areas in your screen.
  8. Position the cat screen shiny side down on the branch. Hold in place, starting from the center out, Rub the mixture on the screen with your finger. Lift a corner up to check if you are applying enough color. Remove the screen and wash with water.  Do not let the color dry in the screen. this will cause damage to the screen. Repeat for the Dog in the grass
  9.  How to use AC-310 Silkscreen Medium Video Link

  10. Brush on three coats of SC-23 Jack O'Lantern over the cat and brush the dog's breast with three coats of SC-91 Seabreeze. Brush the remainder of the dog with three coats of SC-65 Peri-Twinkle.
  11. Brush the tree with two coats of SC-41 Brown Cow using the CB-106 Script Liner, and CB-110 Liner. When dry, trace on different sizes of circles with pencil. Use a CB-106 Script liner to brush one coat of SC-34 Down to Earth that is slightly thinned to those circles..
  12. Brush the coffee cup with 2-3 coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail. Use SC-23 Jack'OLantern for the dots.
  13. Use CB-110 Liner to stoke in the leaves on the tree with SC-26 Green Thumb.
  14. Outline the tree and leaves and cup with SC-15 Tuxedo using CB-110 Liner.
  15. Thicken SC-15 Tuxedo with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium using a palette knife to the consistency of peanut butter as described in step 7. Place the screen over the cat and dog matching the design, use your finger to rub the thickened mixture over the screen. remove and gently wash the screens. 
  16. Apply two coats of clear or dip in clear brushing.
  17. Fire to shelf cone 05/06