Strawberry Fields

Strawberry Fields PC

Products Used

  • MB-1116 Casualware Dinner Plate
  • SC-73 Candy Apple Red
  • SC-75 Orange A Peel
  • SC-97 Cant-elope
  • SC-30 Blue Dawn
  • FN-230 Poppy
  • S-2101 Clear
  • SG-401 Black
  • SG-403 Red
  • SG-405 Green
  • SG-407 Yellow
  • SG-408 Orange
  • SG-409 Bright Green

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • AC-239 Clay Carbon Paper
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge

Additional Materials

  • Pencil
  • SG-190 Royal Soft Brush ("Dagger Brush")
  • Pattern: Strawberry Fields

Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. With AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, trace pattern on bisque.
  3. Using CB-106 Script Liner, brush SC-73 Candy Apple Red to fill in strawberries and the head of two birds. Apply one coat.
  4. Using CB-106 Script Liner, brush SC-75 Orange A Peel to fill in the head of the remaining two birds as well as the wings on all the birds. Apply one coat.
    • Tip: Reference pattern for color placement.
  5. Using CB-106 Script Liner, brush SC-97 Cant-elope to fill in the chest on three birds and a wing of the other bird. Apply one coat.
  6. With SG-406 Green, outline the leaves and stems.
  7. Using a scribble effect, fill in the leaves and stems with SG-409 Bright Green.
  8. With SG-401 Black, outline the birds body (including wings and heads). 
  9. With SG-401 Black, outline the strawberries.
  10. Using a scribble effect, apply SG-403 Red on top of previously painted red areas (birds and strawberries).
  11. Using a scribble effect, apply SG-408 Orange on areas of the birds where indicated on pattern.
  12. With SG-403 Red, add a few strokes to areas of the birds for highlights.
  13. Using a scribble effect, apply SG-407 Yellow to the wings and chest of the birds.
  14. With SG-408 Orange, add a few strokes to the wings and chest of the birds for highlights.
  15. Using a scribble effect, apply SG-409 Bright Green to areas of the birds where indicated on pattern. 
  16. With SG-407 Yellow, add a few strokes on top of the SG-409 Bright Green areas for highlights. 
  17. With SG-401 Black, outline the body of the birds and color in the eyes and beaks. Apply dots on the strawberries for seeds. Outline the leaves and stems. 
  18. Using SG-190 Royal Soft Brush, apply SC-30 Blue Dawn on the background. Apply one coat.
  19. Using CB-604 Soft Fan, apply FN-230 to the back side of the bisque. Allow glaze to dry completely between coats. Apply three coats.
  20. Using CB-604 Soft Fan, apply S-2101 Clear to the front of the plate. Allow glaze to dry completely between coats. Apply two coats.
  21. Fire to cone 05/06.