Stenciled Honeycomb Pitcher


Products Used

  • MB-1403 Oval Pitcher

  • FN-002 Yellow
  • FN-013 Light Yellow
  • SC-73 Candy Apple Red
  • SC-97 Cant-elope

Decorating Accessories

  • SL-439 Hexagon Stencil
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • 2" Foam Roller


Stenciled Honeycomb Pitcher
Designer: Marcia Roullard


1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Slightly thin FN-013 Light Yellow and pour inside the pitcher. Roll to coat, pour out the excess glaze and drain.

3. Use the Soft Fan to apply three coats of FN-002 Yellow to the outside of the pitcher. Let dry.

4. Dampen the glaze with water on one of the flat sides. Place the SL-439 Hexagon Stencil onto the piece at an angle and press into the wet glaze so it will ahdere to the pitcher. Use the foam roller to gently apply SC-73 Candy Apple Red over the stencil. Apply light pressure and hold hte roller at the tip of the handle to keep the color from bleeding under the stencil. Roll in different directions to fill the stencil area. Remove the stencil. Add to the design by moving the stencil around the same side of the pitcher. Overlap the stencil areas to keep the design in proper alignment. 

5. Use the Soft Fan to shade around the edges of the pitcher, neck and handle with two coats of SC-97 Cant-elope.

6.  Fire to cone 05/06.