Specialty Glaze Birds


Products Used

  • CD-1301 Birds 

  • CC-102 White 

  • CC-108 China Sea 

  • NT-CLR Clear Dipping or S-2101 Clear Brushing 

  • SC-6 Sunkissed 

  • SC-16 Cotton Tail 

  • SC-23 Jack O'Lantern 

  • SG-201 Black Cobblestone 

  • SG-401 Black Designer Liner 

  • SS-138 Black 

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan

  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner 

  • RB-110 10/0 Detail Liner 

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge

  • Water 

  • Palette 


CD1301 specialty
Designer: Elizabeth Carey


1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust. 

2. For the Cobblestone Bird: Using the Script Liner with SC-6 Sunkissed, apply 2 coats to the body of the bird. Using the Detail Liner with SC-23 Jack O'Lantern, apply 2 coats to the beak. Using the Script Liner with SC-16 Cotton Tail, apply 2 coat to the wings and tail. Allow glaze to dry between all coats. Using the Detail Liner with SG-401 Black, outline the eyes, beak, and wings. Using the Script Liner with SG-201 Black Cobblestone, apply 2 coats to the wings. Do not let the glaze dry completely between coats. Just allow shine to go away. Using the Script Liner, apply 2 coats of S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze over the eyes and beak, or dip head into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze. 

3. For the Crackle Birds: Squeeze SG-401 Black onto the palette. Thin with water. Use the Script Liner to brush onto the birds. Dip the sponge in water and wipe it over the bird, leaving some SG-401 Black in the details. Squeeze some more SG-401 Black onto the palette. Use the Detail Liner to outline the eyes and beak. Using the Soft Fan with CC-108 China Sea or CC-102 White, apply 3 coats to the birds. Allow glaze to dry between coats. 

4. Fire to cone 06. 

5. For the Crackle birds, wash with SS-138 Black and wipe off with a paper towel. This should be done the day after firing to maximize the number of cracks.