Raku Turtle Box


Products Used

  • MB-1416 Turtle Box
  • RK-100 Black Metallic, RK- Peacock Blue Matte, SC- 13 Grapel, SC- 15 Tuxedo, SC-26 Green Thumb, SC-27-Sour Apple, SC-74 Hot Tamale, SC-75 Orange A Peel, SC-76 Carabein Blue, SC-97 Cant-elope, SC-34 Down to Earth, FN-212 Blue Diamond, FN-213 Saffire Blue, FN-214 Pastel Jade

Decorating Accessories

  • six writer bottles, BT-910 Synthetic Sponge, CB-604 Fan Brush, CB-104 Script Liner, CB-110 Mini Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories



Designer: Renee Lindquist


1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Using a pencil, sketch on the pattern to the shell for color placement.

3. Fill 6 writer bottles with one of each of the colors above or choose your own color pallet.

4. Using CB-104 Script Liner, outline you pattern with RK-100 Black Metallic.

5. Use Stroke and Coats in a writer bottle and fill in your leaves, flowers, and ribbon pattern on the turtle shell. See Pattern for color placement.

6. Using CB-106 Script Liner, apply two coats of RK- Peacock Blue Matte to the back ground of the shell. Make sure you do not paint the part of the shell that will touch the shelf. 

7. Fire the shell in a Raku kiln that is outside to about 1800, or until the glazes are all shine.

8. Prepare a metal can with a lid that a little larger than the shell, and line it with newspaper.

8. Use Raku tongs, fire proof gloves, and protective Raku clothing, and carefully pull the shell out of the kiln and place it gentle in the can with the newspaper. Allow the paper to catch on fire and once ignited, quickly cover with the lid. (Do not take the lid off the can until your piece has cooled completely).

10. When the shell has cooled, clean it as it comes out of the can with a stiff brush or green kitchen scrubby to lean off the carbon.

11. Have fun and use caution when you Raku.

12. Thin some SC-34 Down to Earth with some water. Using CB-604 #4 Fan Brush, apply the thinned Down to Earth on the turtle body. With a damp sponge, wipe off the excess thinned SC-34 Down to Earth, leaving the color in the crevasses in the body to create shadowing. 

13. Using CB-104 #6 Script Liner, apply 2 coats of FN-214 Pastel Jade to the turtle’s belly.

14. Using CB-104 #6 Script Liner, apply 2 coats of FN-212 Blue Diamond to the underside of turtle’s neck.

15. Using CB-104 #6 Script Liner, apply 2 coats of FN-213 Saffire Blue to the top half of the turtle’s body.

16. Using CB-104 #6 Script Liner, apply 2 coats of SC- 15 Tuxedo to the toe nails of the turtle.

16. Using Cb-110-10/0 Mini Liner, paint the turtle eyes with SC-97-Cant-elope for the irises and SC- 15 Tuxedo for the pupils, add eyelashes if you like.

17. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06/05.