Raffia Flower Plate


Products Used

  • MB-101 Coupe Salad
  • SC-6 Sunkissed
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-16 Cotton Tail
  • SC-75 Orange-A-Peel
  • SC-97 Cant-elope

Decorating Accessories

  • CB106 #6 Script Liner
  • CB604 #4 Soft Fan
  • AC310 Clay Carbon Paper

Miscellaneous Accessories


Raffia Flower Plate
Designer: Marcia Roullard



1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.

2. Use the Soft Fan to apply two coats of SC-97 Cant-elope and SC-6 Sunkissed in a patchy fashion on the top of the plate.

3. Use the Clay Carbon Paper to trace or sketch in an eight-petaled flower on the top of the plate.

4. Re-apply SC-97 Cant-elope and SC-6 Sunkissed to a section of the plate. Place pieces of raffia to form a flower petal and inside the petal to create lines. Press gently to remove gaps from the raffia. Repeat for each petal. Cut the pieces of raffia to fit your flower petals. Work in sections so the glaze will be wet when you apply the raffia.

5. Use the Script Liner to apply two coats of SC-75 Orange-A-Peel to the flower petals. Apply two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail to the background.

6.  Apply one coat of SC-15 Tuxedo to the center of the flower. 

7.  Remove the raffia.

8.  Use the Soft Fan to apply three coats of SC-97 Cant-elope to the back of the plate.

9.  Fire to cone 05/06.