Uncle Bob


Products Used

  • MB-1353 Clay Canvas 8"x10"
  • SC-74 Hot Tamale, SC-16 Cotton Tail, SC-15 Tuxedo, SC-46 Rawhide, SC-86 Old Lace, SC-40 Blueberry Hill, SC-76 Cara bein Blue, S-2101 Clear

Decorating Accessories

  • DSS-0114 Creepy, AC-310 Silkscreen Medium, ST-113 Circulate Stamp, CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, CB-106 #6 Script Liner, CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner, AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, BT-910 Synthetic Sponge

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Palette, Palette Knife, Pencil, Scissors, paper towels, Bamboo stick or sgraffito tool
  • Download: Pattern


Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. With scissors, cut out the pattern. Place the cut out image on the clay canvas and trace around the outside edge.
  3. Using a pencil and AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, trace the detail in the hat, neck, jacket, outline the eye socket and mouth of the skeleton.
  4. Brush the skull with SC-86 Old lace, 2-3 coats, with CB-106 #6 Script Liner.
  5. Brush the shirt with 2-3 coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail, tie with SC-74 Hot Tamale, jacket and hat with SC-15 Tuxedo, brush in SC-76 Cara bein Blue into the hat and Jacket, SC-40 Blueberry Hill can also be brushed into sections of the jacket along with Tuxedo. This will help give the hat and jacket form.
  6. The neck bone is glazed with SC-46 Rawhide 2 coats using CB-106 #6 Script Liner.
  7. After the glaze is dry, brush with a coat of water. Then place the paper cut out on the damp section to act as a mask for the background.
  8. Use a dry CB-604 #4 Soft fan to brush 1 coat of SC-46 Rawhide horizontally over the middle to upper section of the canvas, brush over the paper. Let the brush strokes show, as they will pick up the color from step 9.
  9. Use AC-213 Lg Sponge on a Stick to tap ST-113 Circulate Stamp with SC-74 Hot Tamale, stamp the red glaze at the top of the canvas.
  10. Thin SC-74 Hot Tamale like water, use CB-604 to brush the water like glaze over the top edge of the canvas, let the glaze drip down to the center of the canvas over the Rawhide. Control the drips by laying the canvas flat or inverting to stop the drip.
  11. Repeat the process for the lower section of the canvas, stamp, holding the canvas up side down to drip Hot Tamale in the other direction.
  12. Sides of the canvas are done in the same way.
  13. Remove the paper mask.
  14. While the glaze is damp, scraffito a line to seperate the lapel from the jacket, and the hat brim from the body of the hat.
  15. Thin SC-40 Blueberry Hill to highlite sectins on the left side of the skull and less on the right side. Add a drop of SC-15 Tuxedo to Old Lace for a gray, shade the left side (of the skull) as shown.
  16. Shade inside of the shirt with SC-15 Tuxedo, use CB-106 Script Liner, shade the shirt with the Tuxedo.
  17. Shade the neck bone wit the thinned SC-15 Tuxedo on the left side, use CB-110 Liner to outline and add lines in the neck bone.
  18. Outline with SC-15 Tuxedo use CB-110 Liner the shirt and tie.
  19. On a palette with a palette knife, thicken SC-15 Tuxedo and AC-310 Silkscreen Medium to the consistency of peanut butter. Hold the skull screen (DSS-114 Creepy) over the painted skull, shiny side down. Rub the thicken glaze over the screen, remove and gently clean.
  20. Clear Glaze two coats with CB-604 Soft Fan using S-2101 Clear.
  21. Fire to cone 05/06.