Button Vase


Products Used

  • Low Fire Clay
  • SC-30 Blue Dawn, SC-15 Tuxedo, SC-6 Sunkissed, SC-52 Toadily Green, SC-16 Cotton Tail, SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral, FN-006 Blue

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, CB-106 #6 Script Liner, CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner, AC-213 Lg. Sponge on a Stick

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Rolling Pin, Ruler, Bevel Cutting Tool, Needle Tool, 1/4" Wooden Slats, Buttons, Glue
  • Download: Pattern


wp102 HandbuiltButtonVase
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Roll out clay 1/4" inch thick, use a rolling pin, placing the clay between the 1/4" slats of wood for uniform thickness.
  2. Let the clay rest for about an hour to become somewhat firm.
  3. Use the pattern and a ruler to cut out the shapes from the clay, use a needle tool or an exacto knife.
  4. Use a bevel tool to bevel the sides of all the pieces, or use an exacto knife to bevel.
  5. Attach the longer pieces together, scoring the edges and brushing with slip made from the same clay body.
  6. Measure the inside of the bottom of the piece, cut a piece of clay from the scraps, fit with slip to the inside to make a bottom.
  7. Attach the short pieces together in the same manner as the long pieces. Attach with slip the tall piece to the short pieces for a base.
  8. Roll a small coil, slip attach to the top and to the space between the body and the base of the vase. Pinch the coil flat at the base.
  9. Cover with Plastic to slow the drying.
  10. Fire to 04 when dry.

Glazing Directions:

  1. Using CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, brush the vase with 2 coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail.  Using AC-213 Lg. Sponge on a Stick, sponge on SC-30 Blue Dawn for the clouds.
  2. Trace around the buttons for the centers of the flowers. Brush the centers with 2 coats of SC-6 Sunkissed using CB-106 #6 Script Liner.
  3. Pencil in the petals, stems and leaves around the center. Using CB-106 #6 Script Liner, brush the petals with 1 coat of SC-16 Cotton Tail, to block out the sky. Brush the petals with 2 coats of SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral, using CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner.
  4. Brush the stems and leaves with 2 coats of SC-52 Toadily Green using CB-106 #6 Script Liner.
  5. Use CB-110 Liner to add a thin outline of SC-15 Tuxedo around the petals, stems, and leaves.
  6. Thin slightly FN-006 Blue with water (3:1). Pour to the inside, roll to coat interior and pour out excess, inverting to drain excess glaze.
  7. Using CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 2-3 coats of S-2101 Clear to the exterior of the vase.
  8. Fire to cone 05/06.
  9. Glue the buttons to the centers of the flowers.