Designer Flower Vase



Designer Liner gone wild. Wild flower, that is.

Products Used

  • MB-1298 Flat Vase
  • SC-88 Tu Tu Tango
  • SC-91 Seabreeze
  • SC-93 Honeydew List
  • SG-401 - Designer Liner
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing
Decorating Accessories
  • CB-106 - #6 Script Liner
  • CB-604 - #4 Soft Fan
  • BT-910 - Synthetic Sponges
Additional Materials
  • Pencil
  • Small Cup
Project Info




  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Place a small amount of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing glaze into a small cup and add a little bit of water to slightly dilute it (about 3 parts glaze and 1 part water).  It should be the consistency of a coffee cream.  Pour this into the vase and roll around to completely coat the interior of the vase.  Drain out the excess glaze and keep vase inverted until it has lost its shine. Wipe off any glaze from the outside using a damp sponge and wipe down inside the vase just past the neck of the vase. Allow to dry.
  3. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of SC-91 Seabreeze to the outside of the vase.
  4. Draw a 1 ¾" diameter circle for the center of the flower and a second circle, approximately 4" in diameter, to serve as a guide for drawing petals. Draw in 4-5 petals from the center to the outer circle.
  5. Create additional flowers, varying the size and adjusting to the space provided.
  6. Using a CB-106 #6 Script Liner, apply 3 coats of SC-91 Honeydew List to the centers of the flowers. Allow to dry.
  7. Use the SG-401 Designer Liner to create small circles in the center area until you fill the center circle.  Outline the petals, add a few squiggly lines, dotted at the line's end. Let dry.
  8. Use a CB-106 #6 Script Liner to apply 2 coats of SC-88 Tu Tu Tango to the petals.
  9. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 1 coat of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing glaze to the outside of the vase. Allow to dry.
  10. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 05/06.