Chinese Dragon Vase


Products Used

  • MB-1303 Envelope Vase
  • FN-006 Blue, FN-011 Light Blue, S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing Glaze

Decorating Accessories

  • DSS-115 Dragons, ST-122 Chinese Symbol, AC-310 Silkscreen Medium, BT-910 Synthetic Sponge, CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner, CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, MC-002 12mm Low Tack Masking Tape

Miscellaneous Supplies

  • Palette, Palette Knife


wp084 ChineseDragon and Stamps
Designer: Adena Griffith


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Use the CB-604 #4 Soft Fan brush and apply 3 coats of FN-006 Blue to the inside of the vase and rim. Allow to dry completely. *Instead of using a brush, slightly thin FN-006 Blue with water (3:1), pour inside and rotate to coat interior. Once coated, pour out excess and keep inverted until completely drained/dried.
  3. Using MC-002 12mm Low Tack Masking Tape, tape off a section of the vase on the left. Leave enough room for the dragon screen on the right.
  4. Using CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 2 coats of FN-011 Light Blue to the smaller section of the vase. Allow the glaze to dry completely between coats.


    Pour some FN-006 Blue onto a palette. Sprinkle with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium and mix with a palette knife to thicken to the consistency of peanut butter.
  6. Use the Chinese dragon from DSS-115 Dragons, shiny side down, on the larger side of the vase. Rub the thickened blue mixture over the screen. Remove screen, rinse and lay flat to dry.

  7. Using the dry BT-910 Synthetic Sponge, dab FN-006 Blue over the ST-122 Chinese Symbol Stamp. Stamp on top of the FN-011 Light Blue side.
  8. Use the CB-110 #10/0 Mini Liner and the FN-006 Blue to create a solid line between the two sections.
  9. Once all is completely dry, apply 2 coats of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing glaze with a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan brush to the side with the silkscreen and any unglazed areas.
  10. Stilt and fire to cone 06.