Vintage Milk Cans


MB1526 MB1527 MM Crackle crop

Products Used

  • MB-1527 Milk Can Vase
  • MB-1526 Milk Can Bud Vase
  • FN-009 Black
  • CC-102 White Crackle
  • SS-138 Flat Black
  • MM-106 Steel Metallic
  • MM-305 Rapid Rust

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • MM-600 Spritzer Caps
  • old brushes of your choice
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with a properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.

  2. Thin Slightly FN-009 Black, pour to the inside, turn to coat, pour out the excess glaze, drain.

  3. With RB-144 Soft Fan brush on three coats of CC-102 White Crackle in an uneven line on the vases as shown.

  4. Fire to cone 06.

  5. Use SS-138 slightly thinned to brush over the crackle glaze, wipe off to leave the black in the cracks of the glaze. Brush the remainder of the vase with a solid coat of the black acrylic.

  6. Dump the MM-106 Steel Metallic in another container, stir thoroughly, brush on a heavy coat with an old soft brush, while it is wet, screw on an MM-600 Spritzer cap to the Rapid Rust bottle, and spray MM-305 Rapid Rust liberally over the Steel Metallic. Repeat the process of applying the Steel and Rapid Rust spray. To fully develop the rust may take overnight.
