French Postcard


Products Used

  • MB-1284 Oval Canister
  • SC-11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-32 Bluebeard
  • SC-39 Army Surplus
  • SC-63 Popeye’s Favorite
  • SC-76 Cara-bien Blue
  • SG-403 Red
  • SG-404 Blue
  • EL-134 Mirror Blue
  • EL-136 Lapis Lagoon
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing
Decorating Accessories
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon
  • AC-310 Silk Screen Medium
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
  • AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper
Additional Materials
  • Pencil
  • Scissors
  • Tile / Pallet
  • Blue Masking Tape
  • Martha Stewart’s Butterfly- Silk Screen
  • Tracing paper
  • Pallet Knife
  • Pattern: French Canister
french canister

Designer: William Pulse


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean BT-910 Synthetic sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust inside and out of the piece. 
  2. With a Pencil and AC-230 Clay Carbon Paper, trace the pattern on to the canister. You may need to cut some slots into the pattern to allow it to bend over the edges of the canister. Secure the pattern with Blue Masking tape while you transfer the pattern. Notice that the pattern where the butterfly is for only for the application of the underlying color on the butterfly that will be silk-screened later. All of the fine detail lines in the flowers and leaves aren’t necessary. Draw in a few of the lines to give you guidance when you paint them in later.
  3. On a tile place some SC-11 Blue Yonder and SC-76 Cara-bien Blue. Thin with some water to a light milk consistency. Apply a flood of SC-11 Blue Yonder to the wing sections. While the color is still fluid, blend some SC-76 Cara-bien Blue towards the body of the butterfly. Be careful to not over apply the color to where it runs out of the lines of the pattern. Allow to dry.
  4. Place the butterfly silkscreen over one half of the butterfly. You will work in two steps to complete the butterfly. The curvature of the ware won’t allow you to secure the screen down in one passing.
  5. Place about a “quarter to half dollar” sized amount SC-15 Tuxedo and SC-32 Bluebeard separately on a palette or tile and sprinkle with AC-310 Silkscreen Medium. Using a palette knife mix color and medium to the consistency of thick peanut butter. If the mix is to thin add more AC-310 Silkscreen Medium or if too thick add more Stroke & Coat. Too thin of a mixture will bleed under the screen and give you a blurred image. Too thick a mixture will make it hard for the product to penetrate through the holes in the screen and give you blank areas in your screen. How to use AC-310 Silkscreen Medium Video Link -
  6. Pick up some of the SC-32 Bluebeard paste with your finger and rub it over the section of the butterfly silk screen, force the color down in and through the screen. Pick up some of the SC-15 Tuxedo paste and apply it to the edges of the wings to create a shading effect. Once you have completed the rubbing the two colors you may lift up and reposition the other half of the butterfly silkscreen to complete the other half and body of the pattern. The body of the butterfly is mostly SC-15 Tuxedo. If you have any excess base color extending beyond the silk-screened butterfly, remove this with a Clean- up tool and brush when done screening. Do not let the color dry in the screen as it may damage it for later use.
  7. Shake the SG-403 Red bottle upside down to remove any bubbles in the head of the bottle. Test squeeze the bottle to check the flow of the color before use. The rate at which you paint your line and the amount you squeeze the bottle will determine the thickness of the line painted. Squeeze more and paint slowly will give you a thicker/fatter line. Hence, squeezing the bottle less and moving or painting in the line quickly will give you a finer and more delicate line.
  8. Starting with the flower centers, apply to the centers of the flowers first. Paint in the petal leaf outlines next. These lines can be thicker than the detail lines in the petals and leaves. When you have the basic outlines of the leaves and flowers done, go back and paint in the fine detail lines in them. Notice that the lines are not straight for the most part, they don’t always have the same length nor are they to the edge every time. Look at the detail in the pattern as you are painting. Be careful while you are painting. The color stays open for a minute or two…so don’t drag your finger through wet color. Always paint away from you so you don’t clog the metal tip with bisque or previous color. Use the “pin” to unclog the metal tip if necessary. Check the metal tip for buildup during the painting process and wipe off if needed.
  9. Using the SG-404 Blue Detail Liner to complete the “writing” in the pattern. The words aren’t really words per se, but are meant only to represent a text. It’s solely a design element to the pattern. You may choose to actually write a poem or “real” text if you so desire. Allow to dry.
  10. Using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner loaded with thinned SC-39 Army Surplus to paint in the “Mail Cancellation Stamp.” Darken parts of the lines with SC-63 Popeye’s Favorite.
  11. Using a CB-604 #4 Pointed Round, apply 2 coats of EL-136 Lapis Lagoon to the lid of the canister then apply 1 coat of EL-134 Mirror Blue.
  12. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 2 coats of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing to the outside and inside of the bottom portion of the canister. Or Dip in Clear Glaze of Choice. Allow to dry.
  13. Stilt and fire to shelf cone 06/05.