Stoneware Vase with Flux Combination - 2:


Products Used

  • SB-114 8" Vase
  • SW-255 Gray Opal, SW-148 Lime Shower, SW-212 Peacock, SW-401 Mayco Flux

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  •  none


GrayOpal LimeShower Flux Vase
Designer: Marcia Roullard
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1.  Remove dust with a damp sponge on 04 bisque.

2.  Thin SW-255 Gray Opal slightly, pour to the inside, turn to coat, pour out excess.

3.  Brush two coats of SW-255 Gray Opal to the outside of the vase, three coats of the Gray Opal to the inside neck and neck of the vase with CB-604 Soft Fan.

4.  Plop with the CB-604 Soft Fan SW-401 Mayco Flux to within three inches of the bottom leave open spaces between the plops so the Gray Opal shows.

5.  Use CB-604 to heavily plop SW-148 Lime Shower to within three inches of the bottom, leave spaces between the plops of glaze, overlapping onto the SW-401 Mayco Flux.

6.  Plop SW-212 Peacock to the vase to the top third of the vase.

7.  Plop again with the SW-401 Flux to the top third of the vase.

8.  Brush the neck and inside of the neck with one coat of SW-401 Flux, brush over with another coat of SW-255 Gray Opal.

9.  Fire to cone 6.