Wavy Flux Plate


Todd fluxplate

Products Used

  • B-Mix cone 5/6 Clay

  • SD-172 Macadamia

  • SW-402 Dark Flux

Decorating Accessories

  • X-10283 Xiem Tools Pro-Cutting Wire Daring 13” Wavy

  • #8 Soft Fan RB-140 brush


Designer: Todd Hickerson


  1. B-Mix cone 5/6 Clay.
  2. X-10283 Xiem Tools Pro-Cutting Wire Daring 13” Wavy tool used for the wavy pattern.
  3. Thoroughly Mix SD-172 Macadamia
  4. Quickly dip plate into SD-172 Macadamia Hold for one second 
  5. Apply one coat of SW-402 Dark Flux onto the top edges of the plate using a #8 Soft Fan RB-140 brush.
  6. Wipe the bottom of any excess glaze.
  7. Fire on medium speed to cone 5/6