Stoneware Poured Vase


Todd cone6vase

Products Used

  • B-Mix cone 5/6 Clay

  • SD-172 Macadamia

  • SD-166 Norse Blue
  • SW-401 Light Flux

  • SW-402 Dark Flux

Decorating Accessories

  • sponge


Designer: Todd Hickerson


  1. B-Mix cone 5/6 Clay.
  2. Thoroughly Mix SD-172 Macadamia 
  3. Quickly dip plate into SD-172 Macadamia Hold for one second 
  4. Thoroughly Mix SD-166 Norse Blue
  5. Pour one coat of SD-166 Norse Blue in random sections
  6. Sponge SW-401 Light Flux and SW-401 Dark Flux on random sections and the rim
  7. Wipe the bottom of any excess glaze.
  8. Fire on medium speed to cone 5/6
