The Creative World of Fairy Gardens

CreativeWorld FairyGardensCreativity and design focus has expanded to our living spaces outside including patios, porches and gardens to enhance our surroundings while spending time outdoors.

One recent trend is the fascination and big business generated with fairy gardens. For years, ceramic items like gnomes, animals, and vessels have been utilized to decorate flowerbeds and walkways. This article talks about scaling down such ceramic décor items to create your own unique, magical fairy garden. Whether you create a scene to lure fairies to visit or to simply express your artistic nature is up to you.

For use indoors or outdoors, fairy gardens can be created in a simple flower bed or a container. If working outdoors, consider incorporating your garden into natural landscapes¬—the base of a tree or stump, in a clump of rocks or nestled among bushes. Many artists prefer to use containers so that its contents can be protected from the elements, create a defined space or moved to other areas in the garden. Containers can be old wheelbarrows, baskets, flowerpots, dishpans—your imagination and discarded objects can go a long way. Whatever your choice of container, ensure adequate drainage to avoid creating a mud pit, which fairies do not appreciate.

Every fairy garden usually begins with a home as fairies need a place of shelter to hide from humans. Mayco’s new House Vases (MB1421 6” House Vase, MB1422 8” House Vase and MB1423 10” House Vase) are perfect for this purpose. The detail of the bisque houses lends a cottage feel and can be decorated in a multitude of ways.

Any plants can be used in the fairy garden. Ground cover, small blooming flowers or succulents are. Another idea is to use herbs which can then be pinched off and used for cooking (double the fun!). Wander your favorite nursery to find ideas-many will have a section dedicated to plants for fairy gardens. Don’t overlook miniature evergreens or bonsai trees.

The next step is to add accessories—furniture, pavers, lawn ornaments and other small decorative items. While these could be purchased, why not use your ceramic skills to make your own, fashioned from clay and colorful glazes.

All you need to make a fairy garden is your imagination, a bit of creativity and to believe in the existence of fairies.

CopperRoof FairyGardenScene

 Patina FairyGardenScene





For your inspiration, here are a couple projects to begin your creative fairy garden:


Copper Roof Fairy House


Patina Roof Fairy House

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