Cobblestone Garden Birds


Products Used

  • MB-1362 Garden Bird (R)
  • MB-1363 Garden Bird (L)
  • SC-5 Tiger Tail
  • SC-11 Blue Yonder
  • SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
  • SC-51 Poo Bear
  • SC-52 Toad-ily Green
  • SC-76 Cara-bein Blue
  • SC-77 Glo Worm
  • FN-009 Black
  • SG-202 White Cobblestone
Decorating Accessories
  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • CB-404 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • AC-302 Wax Resist
  • AC-525 Brush Cleaner
  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
Additional Materials
  • Tile or Palette
Cobblestone birds

Designer: William Pulse


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply 3 coats of FN-009 Black to the entire birds using. Allow to dry.
  3. Using a CB-404 #4Pointed Round, apply 3 coats of SC-5 Tiger Tail to the beaks. Detail the beak separations with SC-25 Crackerjack Brown using a CB-110 #10/0 Liner. Allow to dry.
  4. Condition a CB-404 #4 Pointed Round by: dampen the brush in water and squeeze out any excess water. Load the brush with AC-525 Brush Cleaner then squeeze between a paper towel.
  5. Pour some AC-302 Wax Resist onto a foam plate. Apply 1 good coat of AC-302 Wax Resist to the eyes and beaks. Wash the brush immediately with warm water and Brush Cleaner. Allow to dry.
  6. Using a CB-604 Soft Fan, apply SG-202 White Cobblestone to the entire bird excluding the bottoms, eyes and beak areas. When the first coat has lost its sheen but is still damp, apply a second coat of glaze. Repeat this again for a third coat of Cobblestone. Thinner coats of glaze will give you a smaller breakup of the glaze during firing. Heavier applications will create a larger breakup of the glaze.
  7. Using a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan, apply SC-11 Blue Yonder to the head thinning the color as it goes down the back to the tail. While the color is still wet apply some SC-76 Cara-bein Blue to the front of the head next to the beak and blending it out over the SC-11 Blue Yonder.
  8. To the chest below the breast feathers apply some SC-51 Poo Bear. Reinforce the color with some SC-25 Crackerjack Brown wet blending the color over the SC-51 Poo Bear.
  9. To the wings apply SC-52 Toad-ily Green and wet blend SC-25 Crackerjack Brown towards the front of the upper wing. Wet blend SC-77 Glo Worm to the tips of the wings and tail. Mix SC-52 Toad-ily Green and SC-25 Crackerjack Brown. Wet blend the underside of the wings and tail separations with mixture. Let the piece dry some but not to where it starts the crackle pattern of the SG-202 White Cobblestone Glaze.
  10. Condition a CB-604 #4 Soft Fan by: dampen the brush in water and squeeze out any excess water. Load the brush with AC-525 Brush Cleaner then squeeze between a paper towel.
  11. Place some AC-302 Wax Resist onto a foam plate. Apply 1 good coat of AC-302 Wax Resist to the entire bird. This will aid in the transporting of the ware to the kiln before firing. Let the AC-302 Wax Resist dry before moving.
  12. Stilt and Fire the pieces to Shelf Cone 06/05.
    • Note: Be sure to vent the kiln properly while the AC-302 Wax Resist burns off in the firing as there will be a degree of smoke.

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