Cobblestone Mushroom


Products Used

  • MB-1420 6" Garden Mushroom
Stroke & Coat
  • SC-16 Cotton Tail


  • FN-001 White
  • FN-051 Strawberry  
  • FN-203 Dry Champagne  


  • El-128 Wheat  
  • EL-125 Sahara Sands

Specialty Glaze

  • SG-202 White Cobblestone
  • AC-302 Wax Resist

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-604 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • BT-910 Synthetic Sponge
  • Bubble wrap


Cobblestone Mushrooms 2
Designer: Marcia Roullard

1.  Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque.  Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust

2.  Red Stem:  Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply three coats of the FN-51 Strawberry to the top and stem of the mushroom.  Apply one coat to the underside of the mushroom.   With a damp sponge wipe back the glaze under the cap to leave the glaze in the detail - antiquing. 

White stemmed: Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply three coats of the Strawberry to the cap and three coats of FN-001 to the stem. Apply one coat to the underside of the mushroom.

3. When the glaze is dry (shine is gone) sponge AC-302 Wax Resist to bubble wrap, press to the mushroom stem.

4.  Allow the AC-302 to dry (do the touch test).  

5.  Using the CB-604 Soft Fan Brush apply 2 coats of EL-128 Wheat to the red stem, and 2 coats of EL-125 Sahara Sands to the white stem.

4.  Brush 2-3 coats of FN-203 Dry Champagne to the underside of the cap,

5.  Brush the caps with three coats of SG-202 White Cobblestone.  Glide the Cobblestone on with the CB-604 Soft Fan, do not over brush.  Brush the second and third coats on just when the shine leaves the Cobblestone.  

6.  When the shine is off of the SG-202 Cobblestone, brush one coat of SC-16 Cotton Tail over the White Cobblestone.   This will round off the edges of the Cobblestone.  Tip:  If you have used Cobblestone before you may have had Cobblestone curl up with over application.  By applying one coat of Stroke & Coat it holds down the Cobblestone.

7.  Tip:  Apply once coat of AC-302 Wax Resist over the Cobblestone glaze if you are not going to fire immediately or need to transport the project. This keeps the Cobblestone from breaking up and flaking off.

8.  Fire to cone 05/06.

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