Valentine Fairy Window


Products Used

  • MB-1500 Fairy Window w/Awning
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-16 Cotton Tail
  • SC-26 Green Thumb
  • SC-74 Hot Tamale
  • SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral
  • SG-403 Red Designer Liner
  • S-2101 Clear Brushing or NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-110 #10/0 Liner
  • CB-604 #4 Soft Fan
  • CB-106 #6 Script Liner

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Heart Paper Punch


Valentine Fairy Window
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 Bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove dust.
  2. Use the Soft Fan to apply two coats of SC-16 Cotton Tail to the awning. Punch out paper heart shapes so you can use the negative space from the punch. Wet the Cotton Tail with a coat of water, place on the paper, press firmly with a paper towel and ensure all edges are sealed.
  3. Use the Script Liner to apply two coats of SC-74 Hot Tamale to the open heart shape. Remove the paper.
  4. Use the Script Liner or Liner to apply three coats of SC-74 Hot Tamale to the window trim. Apply an outline in a heart shape around the flowers. Use the Script Liner to apply two thinned coats of SC-26 Green Thumb to the leaves.
  5. Pencil in window shades in the windows. Use the Liner or Script Liner to apply two thinned coats of SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral to the window shaes. Use the Liner to outline the shades with SC-15 Tuxedo. Create small heart pulls from each shade and outline.
  6. Pencil in flowers under the awning. Use the Liner to apply two strokes of SC-74 to the petals, SC-89 Cutie Pie Coral to the centers and SC-26 Green Thumb to the leaves. Outline with SC-15 Tuxedo.
  7. Use SG-403 Red to outline the woodgrain on the planter box and the tree stumps that are holding up the awning.
  8. Use the Soft Fan to apply two coats S-2101 Clear Brushing Glaze to the entire piece or dip into NT-CLR Clear Dipping Glaze.
  9. Fire to cone 05/06.

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