Texture Mat Planters with Stoneware Wash


IMG 6309SWglaze and wash123 cropsquare

Products Used

  •  Brown studio clay

  • SW-111 Wrought Iron
  • SW-128 Cordovan
  • SW-201 Turquoise
  • SW-203 Root Beer
  • SW-204 Amber Topaz
  • SW-250 White Opal
  • SW-301 Iron Wash
  • SW-303 Manganese Wash
  • SW-304 Copper Wash

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-110 Liner
  • CB-604 Soft Fan

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Circle Template
  • Xacto Knife


Designer: Carmen Allen
  1. Begin with the leatherhard thrown vessel and make sure it’s been trimmed already if it’s getting trimmed (we used our brown studio clay).
  2. Cut circles out of vessel where you want the texture windows to be.
  3. Roll a slab out about ½” thick. Measure the size of the cutout window (if intact you can just trace the cutout piece!) and press texture mat into the slab using a roller.
  4. Cut a piece out about ¼”-1/2” larger than the window. Slip and score the edges of both connecting pieces, align them, and press together firmly.
  5. Smooth the edges together for a more secure connection and to smooth the interior of the vessel.
  6. Repeat until you’ve filled all of the windows and add any additional embellishments to your liking.
  7. Place under loose plastic and allow to slow dry completely before bisque firing.
  8. Once it is completely dry, bisque fire to cone 04.
Glazing by vessel:
  • MT004 Swirls, SW-128 Cordovan, SW-204 Amber Topaz, SW-301 Iron Wash
  • MT009 Scallops, SW-210 Turquoise, SW-203 Root Beer, SW-303 Manganese Wash
  • MT011 Diamond, SW-111 Wrought Iron, SW-250 White Opal, SW-304 Copper Wash
  1. Begin with properly fired shelf cone 04 bisque. Moisten a clean sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dist.
  2. Apply 1 coat of the wash to the textured part of the vessel and let dry.
  3. Once dry use a sponge to antique the ware by wiping the wash off the high points and leaving it in the details/recesses.
  4. Apply one coat of the wash to the rim of the piece.
  5. Apply 3 coats of both the interior and exterior color.
  6. Wipe the foot to remove any glaze that may have gotten on the bottom.
  7. Allow to dry completely.
  8. Fire to shelf cone 5/6.
IMG 6298 SW glaze and wash1 crop IMG 6306SW glaze and wash2 crop  IMG 6303SW glaze and wash3 crop 

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