Garden Gnome Hilda

CD1212 Hilda crop

Products Used

  • CD-1212 Gnome Hilda
  • SC-2 Melon-Choly
  • SC-8 Just Froggy
  • SC-20 Cashew Later
  • SC-22 Carrot Top
  • SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
  • SC- 48 Camel Back
  • SC-60 Silver Lining
  • SC-98 Slime Time
  • SG-404 Blue Designer Liner
  • S-2101 Clear

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-220 Detail Liner
  • CB-404 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Fire greenware to cone 04.

  2. Brush the skin areas with two slightly thinned coats of SC-20 Cashew Later, by thinning the coats it will avoid brush strokes for an even finish. Brush the cheeks with 1-2 coats of SC-2 Melon-Choly, blend the edges with SC-20 Cashew Later.

  3. Brush the hair with thinned SC-60 Silver Lining, use a stiff brush on the side to remove the excess glaze so it shows in the detail of the hair.

  4. Brush one coat of SC-25 Crackerjack to the basket, use a stiff wet brush on the side to remove excess gaze to show the detail in the basket.

  5. Pencil in the apron on the skirt.

  6. Brush the hat with two coats of SC-98 Slime Time brush in the circular direction of the hat, Brush the gnome’s dress with one coat of SC-98 Slime Time use a damp sponge to remove the excess glaze so it shows Slime Time in the detail and folds of the dress. Further float around the shadow areas of the dress and the bottom of the hat with SC-8 Just Froggy.

  7. Brush the apron with 3 coats of SC-22 Carrot Top, outline and detail the edges with SG-404 Blue.

  8. Clear glaze two coats with CB-604 Soft Fan.

  9. Fire to cone 05/06

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