Garden Gnome Jake

CD1120 Jake crop

Products Used

  • CD-1120 Gnome Jake
  • SC-2 Melon-Choly
  • SC-8 Just Froggy
  • SC-15 Tuxedo
  • SC-20 Cashew Later
  • SC-22 Carrot Top
  • SC-24 Dandelion
  • SC-25 Crackerjack Brown
  • SC-32 Bluebeard
  • SC- 48 Camel Back
  • SC-60 Silver Lining
  • SC-75 Orange-A- Peel
  • SC-98 Slime Time
  • S-2101 Clear

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-220 Detail Liner
  • CB-404 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan
Designer: Marcia Roullard


  1. Fire greenware to cone 04.

  2. Brush the skin areas with two slightly thinned coats of SC-20 Cashew Later, by thinning the coats it will avoid brush strokes for an even finish. Brush the cheeks with 1-2 coats of SC-2 Melon-Choly, blend the edges with SC-20 Cashew Later. When dry, float SC-48 Camel Back to the shadow areas of the face, hands and ears.

  3. Brush the hair and beard with thinned SC-60 Silver Lining, use a stiff brush on the side to remove the excess glaze so it shows in the detail of the hair.

  4. Brush the jacket with two thinned coats of SC-98 Slime Time, float SC-8 Just Froggy into the shadow and detail areas of the jacket. Use CB-106 Script Liner.

  5. Brush the hat with two coats of SC-22 Carrot Top, brush in a circular direction, brush one coat of SC-75 Orange a Peel over the center section of the hat in a circular direction.

  6. Brush the pants with three coats of SC-32 Bluebeard use CB-106 Script Liner. Brush the knapsack with 3 coats of SC-25 Crackerjack Brown, use CB-106 Script Liner.

  7. Belt and shoes with 2 coats of SC-15 Tuxedo, remove the Tuxedo from the belt buckle and brush with 2-3 coats of SC-24 Dandelion.

  8. Eyes are painted one coat of SC-16 Cotton Tail, one coat of SC-32 Bluebeard, slightly lighten the Bluebeard with Cotton Tail.

  9. Brush with two coats of S-2101 Clear use the fan brush.

  10. Fire to cone 05/06.

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