Blue Crackle Mushrooms

MB1419 MB1420 blue mushrooms crop

Products Used

  • MB-1419 8" Garden Mushroom 
  • MB-1419 8" Garden Mushroom
  • CC-102 White
  • FN-001 White
  • SC-12 Moody Blue
  • SS-138 Flat Black

Decorating Accessories

  • RB-144 #4 Soft Fan
  • RB-106 #6 Script Liner
  • AC-302 Wax Resist

Miscellaneous Accessories

  • Sponge
  • Water
  • Pencil
  • Palette
  • Scissors
  • File Folder
  • X-acto Knife
  • Pattern











Designer: Elizabeth Carey  



  1. Begin with properly fired cone 04 bisque. Moisten a sponge and wipe bisque to remove any dust.
  2. Using the Soft Fan with FN-001 White, apply 3 coats to the tops of the mushrooms. Allow glaze to dry between coats. 

6” Mushroom

  1. Use the pencil to make equally spaced dots around the bottom edge of the mushroom cap. They should be about a finger’s width apart.
  2. Using the Script Liner with SC-12 Moody Blue, dip the brush in the glaze. Set the brush on a dot and quickly make an upward stroke. Repeat for the rest of the dots.
  3. Repeat Steps #1 &2, making the dots directly above the previously made strokes. There should be a total of 3 rows of strokes.
  4. For the final row, make 5 strokes in a circle at the top of the mushroom cap. 

8” Mushroom

  1. Trace the pattern onto a file folder. Use the X-ACTO Knife to cut out the design. Cut a square around the design.
  2. Place the pattern so that the design is 1 finger’s width from the bottom of the mushroom cap. Take the sponge and dip it into the wax. Sponge excess wax off onto the palette. Sponge over the pattern.
  3. Repeat Step #2 around the mushroom. Place pattern 2 finger’s width’s apart. 
  4. Repeat Step #2 above and between each of the designs from Step #3. 
  5. Repeat Step #2 below and between each of the designs from Step #3.
  6. Using the Script Liner with wax, make lines connecting the designs to the top and bottom of the mushroom cap.
  7. Squeeze 2 TBS of SC-12 Moody Blue onto the palette. Thin slightly with water. Using the Script Liner, create a puddle coat around the waxed sections. Repeat when dry.
  8. If you want your design to have dots of blue over it (as pictured), do not wipe the glaze off of the wax. If you want your design to be completely white, use a damp sponge to clean the wax.
  9. Using the Soft Fan with CC-102 White, apply 3 even coats to the base of the mushrooms. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  10. Using the Soft Fan with SC-12 Moody Blue, apply 3 coats to the bottom of the mushroom caps. Allow glaze to dry between coats.
  11. Fire to cone 06.
  12. After the mushrooms have cooled, apply 1 coat of SS-138 to the bases. Wipe off with a damp sponge. You should now be able to see the cracks

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