Steel Garden Sphere

CD021 CD1495 EL119 CG753 03 crop


Products Used

  • CD021 Garden Sphere, Leather Hard wet Greenware
  • CD-1495 Garden Pedestal


  • SC-23 Jack-O-Lantern
  • SC-88 TuTu Tango
  • EL-119 Burnished Steel
  • CG-753 Sassy Orange
  • S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing (Optional)

Decorating Accessories

  • CB-406 Pointed Round
  • CB-604 Soft Fan

Additional Materials

  • Fret Tool
  • Scalpel or X-acto Knife
  • Spoolie Brush
  • Clean Up Tool
  • Green Grit Cloth
  • Sponge
  • Banding Wheel
Designer: William Pulse



  1. Place the piece on the Banding Wheel. Fettle the seam lines off the leather-hard wet greenware gazing ball using the Clean Up Tool. Starting at the top of the ware using the Fret Tool, Scalpel or X-acto Knife to cut out the background sections on the piece. Always cut towards solid areas when possible to avoid cutting through a previous or unwanted section. Work you way around and down the ware cutting out all the background sections. Let Dry.
  2. Use the Clean Up Tool to further clean up the cut out portions on the ball. Remove the seam lines from the pedestal. Use the Green Grit Cloth to further sand the seam lines and clean up the cut out sections. Be careful working on the piece as it is very fragile. Moisten a Synthetic Sponge to remove any dust from the ware. Check the inside of the ball for rough edges and smooth them out as well.
  3. Fire to Shelf Cone 04-05.
  4. Shake and stir CG-753 Sassy Orange. Use CB-604 Soft Fan to apply 3 coats of glaze to the inside of the gazing ball being careful to not get any glaze on the exterior portions of the fret work. Use a Clean Up Tool and moistened Spoolie Brush to remove any color from the cut outs. Apply 3 coats to the middle section of the pedestal as well dispersing the crystals evenly. Let Dry.
  5. Using the CB-604 Soft Fan to apply one slightly thinned coat of SC-23 Jack-O-Lantern over the Sassy Orange on the pedestal. Let Dry.
  6. Place and center the pedestal on the Banding Wheel. Using CB-604 Soft Fan loaded with water and side tip the brush into SC-88 TuTu Tango. Starting at the bottom of the middle section, band the color upwards trailing the color to nothing. Repeat this process from the top of the middle section also. Color should be darkest at the bottom and top of the middle section fading out over the Jack-O-Lantern/ Sassy Orange.
  7. Brush 1-2 coats of SC-88 TuTu Tango to the lower inside portions of the ball feathering the color out about half way up.
  8. To the outside and of the ball apply 3 coats of EL-119 Burnished Steel using CB-604 Soft Fan. For the cut-out side edges on the outside use CB-406 Pointed Round. Try not to let the color run inside the ball over the other glazes. Apply 3 coats to the top and bottom sections of the pedestal.
  9. Optional Step for outside use. Brush 2-3 coats of S-2101 Crystal Clear Brushing using CB-604 Soft Fan to the interior of the pedestal for outdoor use. This will aid in keeping the moisture from penetrating the bisque.
  10. Stilt and Fire to Shelf Cone 05-06.
CD021 CD1495 EL119 CG753 02 crop 

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